Children of Fallen Patriots
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation provides college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty. We believe a college education is the single most important gift we can give these children. Midwestern Pet Foods proudly donates a portion of all Ultimates sales to Children of Fallen Patriots.
Success Stories
Caitlin & Alan Rowe
Caitlin Rowe is the daughter of fallen U.S. Marine Corps Captain Alan Rowe. He was killed in action September 3, 2004. His loved ones say he was humble, strong, smart and hard-working. Caitlin says, “He loved the Marine Corps and had the respect of his Marines and his superiors.”

Caitlin Rowe
University of Southern California
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Graduating 2022

Alan Rowe
Marine Corps, Captain
Killed in Action
With the help of Children of Johny Mac Soldiers Fund, Caitlin is studying environmental engineering at the University of Southern California. “I thought I would try to find a field where I can take math and physics and do something that contributes to society’s well-being,” explains Caitlin, “Be it sustainability for our environment, or urban planning which allows our natural environment to be preserved, I am looking forward to making a difference.” Caitlin takes solace in knowing her father was proud to serve his country.
I know how much serving our country meant to him, and that gives meaning to his death. I know he died doing something he loved and believed in, which makes me proud he was serving our country in the military,” Caitlin says.
Caitlin credits JMSF’s support for helping make college transition easier. “I was able to get into a top school at a private university,” she says. They even helped with the purchase of a computer as well as college tuition.
There are approximately 25,000 children who have lost an active duty parent in the military over the last 35 years. The vision of JMSF is to ensure that every such child receives all necessary college funding.
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Brady & Keith Callahan
Brady Callahan is the son of Army Sgt 1st Class Keith A. Callahan. Brady is currently a student at Methodist University studying Criminal Justice. After graduation, Brady plans to commission into the Army with hopes to become Ranger and Special Forces qualified. Brady’s biggest inspiration for his career path is his father. “My
dad gave the biggest sacrifice in the world. I am so proud of him and what he did. And I strive to be like him every day. He is my biggest inspiration in life and the main reason the I want to be in the Army,” he shares.

Brady Callahan
Methodist University
Criminal Justice
Graduating 2024

Keith A. Callahan
U.S. Army, Sergeant First Class
Killed in Action
Brady says that his father has been described to him by others as “a hero, great father, great friend and leader, and someone that will sacrifice himself for his men and his country.” He knows that his father would be most proud of his belief in always taking care of his family. He shares,“…whenever my family needs help, I am right there for them.”
Brady’s advice for other students going through similar experiences is to never forget. “Always speak about your parent, tell others about them and what they were like so that they are never forgotten.”
Fallen Patriots has positively impacted Brady’s life by helping with the financial burden of continuing his education. Brady shares, “Receiving the Fallen Patriots scholarship has impacted me greatly. My dad always wanted me to go to college and to continue my education and this scholarship is helping me get there.” There are approximately 25,000 children who have lost an active duty parent in the military over the last 35 years. The vision of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is to ensure that every such child receives all necessary college funding.
For more information, visit
Johannah & Michael Bordelon
Johannah Bordelon is the daughter of U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael Bordelon. He lost his life on May 10, 2005 when a roadside bomb detonated during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is remembered by loved ones as the most inspiring and incredibly hardworking man who was constantly laughing. “He was always in a good mood,” said Johannah. “I was a total daddy’s girl and always wanted to be with him or holding him at all times.”

Johannah Bordelon
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
Graduating 2021

Michael Joseph Bordelon
U.S. Army, First Sergeant
Killed in Action
Johannah and her brother grew very proud of their father’s service and sacrifice. “My father’s military service is carved into my life. It is something I think about daily. His presence has always been with my family and his strong-willed characteristics has ingrained itself into me.”
My brother and I were raised with a sense of pride through his sacrifice. His service is something that makes me proud to be his daughter and have a great respect for our nation’s flag, for my father died to protect our country.”
With the help of Fallen Patriots, Johannah is studying architecture at the University of California, Berkeley. Her goal is to land a job with a firm after she graduates. “Growing up, I have always had an interest in art and expressing myself creatively. Once I came to college I took an Environmental Design course and completely fell in love with the work.”
Johannah is grateful for Fallen Patriots’ support in honoring her father’s military service. “My entire life, I wanted to make my Dad proud and take advantage of the opportunities he has given me through his sacrifce,” she said. “The moment I contacted Fallen Patriots, they assisted with everything I needed. Knowing that I have extra help takes the burden of student loans off my shoulders. I am forever thankful.”
Johannah’s advice to other military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty is to remember “even if they are not here in person, they are always with you in spirit.” She encourages others facing a difficult situation to lean on others for support. Fallen Patriots aims to identify and provide scholarships to all 2 ,000 children who have lost a parent in the line of duty over the past 35 years.
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